VFLIX – Movies, TV Shows, Live TV Streaming App with Admin Panel


Vflix is a versatile TV, Movie and series streaming app that runs under Android and is utilized for watching online. Utilizing a ground-breaking and responsive Admin Panel which can oversee boundless TV channels, movies and series and classes which uphold numerous arrangements, this application was made by Android using Kotlin for the customer side and Laravel, PHP MySql for the Server-side. Utilizing this application you can set aside your cash and time in making an application for your TV channel application from scratch and start your app publish immediately.


  • Made with Kotlin
  • MVVM design pattern
  • Data binding
  • Hilt for dependency injection
  • Splash Screen
  • Movie Listing
  • Series Listing
  • Search Movies
  • Add to Watchlist
  • Elegant player for better user experience.
  • Feedback section
  • TV Channels, Movies and series in one place
  • OneSignal push notification with image
  • Share
  • Rate App
  • Privacy Policy
  • Terms and Condition on startup


  • Dashboard with overview of all
  • Manage Banner List
  • Manage Genre List
  • Manage Movie List
  • Manage TV Channel List
  • Customer Feedback Section
  • Send Push Notification with/without Images
  • Search
  • Add Channels/Banners/Genre/Movies

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